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SubGit obtains the authentication data from the [auth default] section of the SubGit configuration  file that is located at GIT_REPO/subgit/config.


  • a username and a password
  • an SSL client certificate
  • an SSH private key

In the [auth "default"] section of the SubGit configuration file, you can specify the authentication settings depending on the authentication data that is required to log in to a Subversion repository.

Specifying a username and a password

You can specify credentials to log in to a Subversion repository in the following settings:


The credentials from the passwords file may be used for mapping Git authors to Subversion revision authors when you translate Git commits to Subversion revisions. For the mapping purpose, you can specify the list of available usernames and passwords in the passwords file, though it is not obligatory. For more information on authors mapping, refer to the Authors Mapping section.


When you have several Git repositories mapped from the same Subversion repository, you can log in to this Subversion repository using a single passwords file.


Code Block
    ### Set password stores used by Subversion. They should be
    ### delimited by spaces or commas. The order of values determines
    ### the order in which password stores are used.
    ### Valid password stores:
    ###   gnome-keyring        (Unix-like systems)
    ###   kwallet              (Unix-like systems)
    ###   gpg-agent            (Unix-like systems)
    ###   keychain             (Mac OS X)
    ###   windows-cryptoapi    (Windows)
    # password-stores = gpg-agent,gnome-keyring,kwallet
    ### To disable all password stores, use an empty list:
    # password-stores =
  1. To enable a password store, in the Subversion configuration file, uncomment a password-stores line and specify the store that you want to enable.


    Currently, SubGit supports only GNOME Keyring.

    For example, password-stores = gnome-keyring

  2. In a Subversion client, run any command that prompts for the credentials to a Subversion server, for example, svn info url.  After that the credentials cache is stored in a text file in the ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simpledirectory. The encrypted password is stored in GNOME keyring.


A web server that hosts a Subversion repository can be configured to request a username and password after the authentication with an SSL client certificate. For the information on the settings that you can use to specify a username and password, see the Specifying a username and a password section.

The other way to specify a path to an SSL client certificate and an optional passphrase is the the Subversion  servers file that is located in the default Subversion configuration directory. (Add link to ⚓)


If a web server that hosts a Subversion repository along with an SSL client certificate requires a username and a password for authentication, SubGit refers to the servers configuration file for an SSL certificate and uses the Subversion credentials cache to log in to a Subversion repository. To specify the settings that fetch the Subversion credentials cache, see the Using the Subversion credentials cache section.

Using the SSH key-based authentication


Make sure that a SubGit user is granted the reading permissions for an SSH private key file.

The sshKeyFilePassphrase setting specifies a passphrase that can be optionally used to protect the SSH private key.

SubGit also requires a Subversion username when using the SSH key-based authentication. In this case, the username can be specified in one of the following settings:
