1. Configure Gerrit server:

  2. Configure the repository

  3. Establish a two-way mirror between SVN and Gerrit by the following command:

    $ subgit install GIT_REPO 


        GIT_REPO – a path to the Git repository.

    $ subgit-3.2.4/bin/subgit install ./project.git
       SubGit version 3.2.4 ('Bobique') build #3670
       Translating Subversion revisions to Git commits...
       Subversion revisions translated: 10248.
       Total time: 2 hours 15 minutes 24 seconds.

  4. When the command completed, the mirror is established and data from SVN is translated to Gerrit, so you can clone your new Git repository and start to work with it:

    $ git clone GERRIT_URL WORK_TREE


    $ git clone http://gerrit.example.com/user/project.git /home/user/project.git
      Cloning into '/home/user//project.git'...
      Password for 'http://gerrit.example.com': 
      remote: Counting objects: 99, done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (39/39), done.
      remote: Total 99 (delta 50), reused 99 (delta 50)
      Unpacking objects: 100% (99/99), done.

    If Git warns you that you are cloning an empty repository and you don't see your files in the working tree, most probably automatic branches and tags mapping didn't work correctly. In this case, mapping has to be set manually, see details on mapping in Branches and tags mapping.

  5. Try and buy.

    Note: the trial period for SubGit mirror is 30 days, after that period you should buy a license key at https://subgit.com/pricing

    Once you receive an email with a license key, upload this license key to your server and run the following command:

    $ sudo subgit register --key subgit.key GIT_REPO


         GIT_REPO – a path to your newly created Git repository.

    $ sudo subgit register --key subgit.key /gerrit/site/project.git
       SubGit version 3.2.4 ('Bobique') build #3670
       Registration information:
         Registered for:       Example company
         Purchase ID:          OS-111111111111111
         Expiration date:      April 23, 2028
         You may use this key to register 9 more repositories (out of 10).
       Thank you for registering SubGit!
       Visit http://www.subgit.com/ in case you have any questions and for more information on SubGit.

  6. Get support:

    If you have encountered any problems, see the following guides for more details:

Should you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at support@tmatesoft.com