3.1 Download SubGit

Download SubGit and unpack it into it’s working directory.

3.2 Set SubGit up

Open command prompt window and navigate to the “bin” directory inside of the directory where you have unpacked SubGit:

cmd page

And run the following command:

$ subgit-3.3.1/bin/subgit configure --layout auto SVN_URL REPOS.GIT

where SVN_URL is an url leading to svn repository and REPOS.GIT is a path leading to git repository, created with Gogs (By default Gogs repositories are locating at C:\Users\%username%\gogs-repositories\%gogsAccountname%).


$ subgit configure --layout auto file:///E:\SVN C:\Users\Kiseki\gogs-repositories\kiseki\tmate.github.io.git

subgit setup example

and then run the following command:

$ subgit-3.3.1/bin/subgit install REPOS.GIT

where REPOS.GIT is (Yet again) a path leading to git repository, created with Gogs.


$ subgit install C:\Users\Kiseki\gogs-repositories\kiseki\tmate.github.io.git

subgit installation example

If application reports about successful installation, that means that subgit now synchronizes your SVN and Gogs repositories.

subgit successful report

Our congratulations on successful installation of Gogs :)